Eating ‘Healthy’

A question and issue that has become increasingly prevalent and important in today’s world of fast food and processed food is this issue of eating healthy.

Perspectives range from starving ourselves to maintain our ideal bodies and remain “healthy” too being over-weight is okay. In my personal perspective. The fact of the matter is that in today’s society the “perfect body” is over-rated. We have been given bodies to take care off. The balance of a healthy diet and exercise is all that is needed. Sure, certainly they might be conditions imposed upon individuals which stop them from doing something this.

I do not indulge in fat shaming or get ripped quick schemes, but at the same time, this idea of encouraging and even cheering on obesity is not something that I agree with.

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One thought on “Eating ‘Healthy’”

  1. I agree with your perspective that we shouldn’t encourage body-shaming or the so-called “fatphobia”, but, at the same time, I also agree with you that we should always be pushing people towards improving themselves, not out of spite, but out of a desire for people to constantly grow and change as better people.

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