Instagram is the ‘WORST SOCIAL MEDIA’

I think the idea of social media contributing towards mental health issues and problems is one that has been gaining increased prominence and relevance, with this video being just one of the several reactions that have been posted regarding the issue.

Personally, I feel as though I do agree with some of the concerns that were raised by the video stimulus we watched, especially regarding the fact that often what we see in social media is doctored or faked, posing unrealistic expectations and ideals onto us. For instance, as the video pointed out as well, seeing people or posts on Instagram with shredded bodies can help increase insecurities that you yourself might face, feeding into this issues of anxiety, insecurity and other mental health problems people may face.

Understanding, or recognizing the abovementioned fact is particularly important I think whenever you go ahead and use social media, to ensure that it is a more positive experience for your overall.

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