The art of podcast creation – Taking a whole NEW direction

This is going to serve as my introductory post to my Ears of East Activity, which I will be involved in during S3 and S4 of Grade 11, as well as S1 and S2 of G12.

This activity involves a group of students that are passionate about global issues around the world, from international topics like migration policies (refugees and asylum seekers)  to localized issues like vaping within Singapore. The group runs a successful podcast that releases an episode every month or so and has accumulated thousands of views.

The reason I’ve decided to join this podcast is because of how useful it’s going to be in terms of my own initiatives. I’ve been running the Blue Dragon Podcast for 6 months now, and while I’m happy with some aspects of our progress, I feel as though I have so much to learn … not just about what should go into an actual episode, but looking at concepts like time-lining, gathering interviews and soundbites, brainstorming topics, conducting research, and a MILLION other technical skills that all amalgamate together into the production of a podcast episode.

I’m also highly opinionated when it comes to global issues, my background in MUN resulting in me learning about and forming detailed perspectives on many issues (ranging from topics like nuclear proliferation and the weaponization of space to addressing world hunger and climate change). Therefore, this activity and space serve as a medium in which I can share these thoughts … share my perspectives while learning more about the perspectives of other highly opinionated (and interesting) individuals.

I will be attending this activity once a week, but will also be putting in time during school days and weekends on the research, preparation, and editing of podcast episodes. This activity will allow me to address learning outcomes LO2, LO6, and LO7.

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