Hills Like White Elephants

What’s interesting to first talk about is the assumptions that you get when looking at the two travelers.  The idea that he is ‘American’ and yet he heading to ‘Madrid’ gives you the sense that they’re well-traveled. Having two beers during the day (they’re likely younger, perhaps have a more loose lifestyle).

“White elephants” – never seen one [immediately dismissive, not really considering the thought whereas the women is more inquisitive].


“Yes,” said the girl. “Everything tastes of licorice. Especially all the things you’ve waited so long for, like absinthe.”- bored lifestyle? Everything becomes bland and repetitive after a while …. That’s all we do, isn’t it—look at things and try new drinks?


Already starting to introduce tension. with the ‘cut it out’ and the ‘I might have’ after she states no you wouldn’t have after his white elephant comment.


What’s interesting here is how the guy is the one who initially brings up the idea of the operation … as though he’s somehow uncomfortable with the whole situation/tension that we ourselves can sense … “the girl didn’t say anything’



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