Call – Reflection on my attempt

Couple of things to improve on here:


  • A relatively simple point is to be aware of the technical terms you need to use when analyzing poetry (understanding the difference versus the poet/persona/speaker). There was some confusion on my part there (even though in ‘Call’, it’s likely that the speaker is the poet, acknowledging that there might be a distinction is important). This may be what led to my misunderstanding of the final stanza of the poem (misinterpreting who the ‘you’ was referring to)


  • Something that I did well was using precise claims and vocabulary, trying to establish the type of stating that a “defensive tone” was used to create an “unfamiliar and hostile” environment. Still think there’s room for improvement though, especially in identifying the appropriate descriptors for these elements.


  • I need to carefully consider my interpretation of imagery or specific symbols the author/poet presents, and more carefully consider the evidence that I’m using to back my claims. For instance, something simple like interpreting a ‘candle’ as a source of warmth (while missing out on the more obvious comparison that could be made between the “floodlights” in the previous stanza). More specifically though, I think my approach towards paper 1 can be flawed (where, after going over the poem and considering a few pieces of evidence, I create a claim, then search for more evidence to fit it … which can lead to unrealistic interpretations). In my second paragraph, the evidence I have for the claim that family nurtures an individual is …
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