First reflection on EE

I realised my EE will require a multi-dimensional approach. Since my topic is unique, it’s difficult to find sources that explain the experiment. My model mimics areas which use surround sound systems consisting 4 speakers facing a common centre. So far I have done basic research and I think primary research would be more meaningful. In reality, sound interference patterns differ from the theoretical because of environmental factors like echo, diminishing intensities etc. I need to start doing experimentation to get an idea of how the model works. Before conducting the experiment itself however, I must first find a plausible model to compare my results to so that I start off with a hypothesis and use proper scientific method in my EE.

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One thought on “First reflection on EE

  • May 23, 2018 at 12:33 am

    Thanks for posting your reflection.

    I hope this has helped your focus as you move forward with your EE. Be sure to meet with your supervisor before end of term to discuss your 1000 word submission. Do let me or your supervisor know if you have any questions.

    Good luck!

    Queen EE

    (Note: In future, please place the word count of your reflection in brackets at the end of your paragraph.)


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