Letter to mentor group

Dear mentor group,

I believe that the rumi text is a good way to start our next mentor session. It is a well-written poem portraying how human emotions can play a part in guiding us through difficult situations; since most of us are struggling with the burden exerted upon by school work, service, or just IB in general, it is a good way to let us ponder on how to calmly deal with various emotions we are likely to gain from different situations.


Not only does it allow us to absorb the useful tactics of dealing with difficulties, but the poem also let fellow students to start their day with a poetic mindset. We should divide into groups of 3 or 4 so that each one of us will have a chance to contribute our thoughts and feelings to the group. I suggest we provide different colored paper and let people pair up with others with the same color, so we can step out of comfort zone, form new friends and bonds, and get their advice and inspirations.


I wish you all agree to do this activity next time, it is going to be really helpful!


Best Regards,

Iris Jiang


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