My first term in Math…

To be very honest, I did not find HL math as hard as people have been saying. I started the course with a sense of awe for the allegedly complicated and dull nature of HL math, but quickly I discarded all these notions that people added upon the subject and began to enjoy my learning experience. I found myself looking forward to every Tuesday second block, Wednesday last block and Friday first, in which I have been felt accomplished when I can solve a challenging question, excited in learning new formula and concepts, and consummate when I improved on quizzes and tests.


The aspect I enjoyed the most is the process of solving challenging questions. Despite frequent stuck in those questions at the very beginning, I always try to approach it using different methodologies and be creative. Through the process, I enjoy both the moments of my brain actively retrospect on what I have learn so far (which helps me to revise) and the final accomplishment when I am able to solve it, or I understand it after seeking for help from friends and teachers.


I find reading textbook very useful. Because sometimes I do not have enough time on class to understand the content fully, thus reading through the textbook helps me to further consolidate my knowledge and practising on the questions let me test my understanding.


I find me learn best when I am working in a group, because we can inspire each other and explain to each other. Group working also adds a bit of fun to the course, especially when we are learning hard contents.


Personally, I find Economics most similar to Maths among all my subjects. Because it also involves calculations of numbers which we also do in Math, though it is much simpler.

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