FIB Personal statement

I am Hongquan JIN and I had joined UWC east this year as a FIB. I think joining UWC was one of the best decisions I had ever made, by joining UWC I had met some friends whom I will never forget not only friends, teacher, and skills. I think the biggest take away for me this year is the sense of responsibility, leadership, and time management.

I have one younger brother and one younger sister at home and instead of teaching and leading my sibling I noticed that in the past I had always tried to turn away from them, I keep avoiding interacting with my sibling, I used to tell my mom that I wished I was not the oldest child in my family, I wish I could be the smallest, not only in my family, because being the oldest in a family would mean that I have to take responsibility and take care of my younger brother and sister, I keep avoiding this responsibility, not only at home even at school most of the time I avoid to take responsibility especially in a team, not only because of my lack of confidence but I think it does not matter either for me to take any responsibility, and even if I do I am not fully committed to it.

This year I joined a GC called smile of China and at the early stage nobody is willing to take the role of being the communication officer, and because of that I volunteered myself to be the communication officer, only because no one was left to do the job, at first I do not really want the role, I do not come to the meeting that often and I had not even sent to a single email, but after going to one of the meetings which were organized for all the communication officer from all the GC sin the school I notice that currently I am representing my GC as a whole and if I do not fulfill my responsibility and do my job, then what I am reflecting in my GC so I had sensed a feeling of responsibility and after that, I start to reattending my GC meeting and try to well the jobs which were assigned to me, I think I should thank a lot to my GC group that they could give me the opportunity and forgive mine for my mistakes.

The second thing I think I had learned this year is organization skill before I come to UWC in my previous school, everything was planned very well for the student the teacher always do the planning work for the students, but after joining UWC I notice that student take more roles to compare to the teacher, so for me, I joined a lot of activities and clubs so I have to really organize my time and what to do really well, to make sure that while I am joining clubs and doing what I like I am also getting my works done as well.

Joining UWC was a great choice that I had made not only it gives me a lot of new friends and teachers it also teaches me a lot of skill which I would need in the future, and it still has a lot of skills which it wants to teach me but I have to discover them myself.

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