Studying Shakespeare in School

When I used to think of Shakespeare, I would think of old times, with lots of weird literary techniques that I don’t understand. But I think now after watching the video and reading the article I’ve grown an appreciation for his contribution to the English language and his talents in theatre. I’m also more excited now to study Shakespeare in school because I can now see the connection that it has in our modern-day society. The article states that “From The Lion King’s plot being loosely based on that of Hamlet, to the fictional band the Weird Sisters in the Harry Potter series being based on the three witches in Macbeth, Shakespearean influence and references continue to pop up in modern-day entertainment.” The impact that Shakespeare’s plays have on modern-day films and entertainment is really surprising to me as many of the films that I know are inspired by Shakespeare. The article also states that Shakespeare’s work is essentially timeless. “Shakespeare’s contemporary Ben Jonson wrote that Shakespeare’s work was ‘not of an age but for all time”.

Overall I’m slightly more excited to learn about Shakespeare’s work after reading the article and watching the video.


“Why You Should Study Shakespeare.” Voices, 18 Jan. 2018,

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