My Personal Statement

Only recently have I really been thinking about the future; thinking about what will come in the rest of my life. My time in UWC has allowed me to see a clearer picture of what I want my life ahead to look like, but it’s still a bit blurred. Throughout the past 4 years at UWC I’ve grown in many different areas, I’ve found my interests as well as exploring and experiencing new things that wouldn’t be possible anywhere else. In addition to this I’ve made some goals about what I want my future to look like. In the future I would hope to do well in IB then seek further education at university. After all this the rest of my path is pretty unclear, however, I’m interested in entrepreneurship and gaining a further understanding in economics and business. Besides my academic life, I have a lot of other goals. The people in my life have really helped to shape my goals, my family are really supportive and that allows me to do a lot of exploration and help find out my passions. Once I realise these passions I like to set goals and then work towards them. One of these goals is in basketball. I really want to improve on my basketball game and my goals is to be a starter on the seasac basketball team by next season, I think that if I work hard and stay persistent I can achieve this. The skill of staying persistent and being resilient is something that will not only help in my basketball goals but allow me to reach all my goals and become a better person in general.

Throughout my life I’ve experienced so much that it’s practically impossible to pick out every moment that has shaped me to be the person I am. I think that the majority of my values and beliefs come from my parents and siblings. They allow me to set my own goals and choose who I want to be while also laying a great scaffolding down for me. I think that the experience of moving from Australia to Singapore really opened up my view on the world. It allowed me to see a new culture and experience a large overall change in my life. It tested my ability to adapt to new environments and be able to interact with people who I had never met, a really essential skill that is critical for the rest of my life. This year in grade 9 I tried out for the seasac basketball team, but unfortunately didn’t make the last cut. This was definitely one of the key motivating factors that pushed me to work even harder and perform at a different level. 

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” 

– Michael Jordan

I think that this quote summed up my experience of being cut from the team, despite knowing that I’m better than most of the guys on the team. I realised that I was one of the people who just wanted it to happen. The act of not making the team changed my mentality to a different gear, I shifted into the mindset that I need to make it happen. Because of this, I made the goal to myself of making the starting lineup for the seasac team by grade 10. I try to play basketball for a few hours every day, improving in every way I can and hopefully If I can keep this up I will have a very good chance of achieving my goal.

An area that I think that I can improve on is my mental strength and ability to stay focused. I’ve noticed that I can easily get distracted and lose focus while trying to work for a long time without breaks. I think that in order to be more productive and improve my academic levels, I first need to work on the art of not procrastinating and staying focused. If I can achieve this, it will allow me to be more productive and efficient not just for schoolwork, but for practically anything that I do. 

In conclusion, my future is still a bit unknown, however I think that the next few years of high school will be essential for my growth and exploration of my interests. With the various goals that I have set for myself, I hope that in the coming years I will be able to achieve them if I persist. In terms of my goals, I think that I’m currently on track. However, moving forward I would like to explore my interests even more. I would like to learn more about being an entrepreneur and how I can make a difference.

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