PSE Reflections

Question 1 – Unit Core Concepts-

  • Self-advocacy

  • Self- reflection

  • Informed-decisions

Which of these concepts do you think will be most challenging for you as you think about planning for your future and Why?     Which area(s) might be more easy for you and Why?

I think that personally, I find self-reflection is the most challenging as I often feel like I do things at a somewhat fast pace, with often little reflection / appreciation for the things that have happened. Because of this I find reflecting of what has happened a hard task and something that I often don’t make time for. This may become a challenge as I start to think about and plan my future as it will require me to often look back in to what I’ve done and recognise my skills. This will be especially important for things like job interviews or writing my CV because this often requires a lot of reflection. In an interview, for example a common question that is asked would be something like “give an example of a time where you displayed leadership” and I think to answer this requires a combination of both self-advocacy and self reflection.

Name several important behaviours / Actions /  you can incorporate when developing professional relationships with teachers, advisors, EE supervisors etc  (think about the class we had in the UAC)

An important skill / behaviour that I think is necessary when developing professional relationships is the ability to construct emails in a professional manner that also gets the message across in a short concise way. In the class we had in the UAC we learnt a lot of these skills and I think that this is really useful. Another skill is to use google calendar to create invites and set times for meetings, this is essential as it allows you to see teacher’s timetable and allows you to check when they are free for a meeting. When attending a meeting with a UAC, teacher etc. it’s important to come prepared with what you want to say and avoid rambling.

  • What are you most proud of this year?

One of the things that I am most proud of this year is how I’ve balanced my social life with my academic life. I think this was reflected on my report card for the mid-year and I am proud of this. I’m also proud of how I’ve developed outside of my academics in my extracurricular activities such as basketball and volleyball seasac.

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