U19A Volleyball, Grade 12 post (LO1)

Last year I was the young grade 11 on a volleyball team with almost all grade 12s and now as a grade 12 volleyball player, I am the oldest player with a team of almost all grade 9s, 10s and 11s. As a result of my previous experience on the team, being on the varsity from grade 9, I was elected captain and now have the responsibility of mentoring and being a leader for the younger players on the team. I often find it hard to not become frustrated in tense situations such as the game against Singapore American School yesterday in which in a very close game, the lack of experience from the younger players play a role in our 3-1 loss. I think that this is where I can implement LO1 (Identify strengths and develop areas for growth). Through this LO I have recognised that whilst my physical ability as a volleyball player is quite strong, I need to be able to take more accountability and lead the younger players rather than become frustrated at them.



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