HS Pottery Final Post (LO6)

After completing 2 seasons worth of HS pottery, I have developed my creativity skills drastically. In connection with LO6 (Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance) When I first wanted to start pottery, I felt as though there was a stigma or stereotype that existed in which pottery was more of a feminine activity for girls. This made it difficult for me to bring myself to pottery sessions or sometimes even tell my friends that I was g0ing. This stigma that exists, claiming that creative, artistic activities should be only done by girls is detrimental to society as a whole as it can inhibit creativity for a large portion of males who may wish to do creative or artistic activities to develop those skills. Now, after completing pottery I feel as though there is no need for males to be afraid of this stigma and I actually found that pottery is a very inviting and welcoming activity.

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