Culturama (LO5)

For my first time ever participating in a dance, I am quite proud of the way that I practised and grew as a dancer to prepare for the final show. Unfortunately, I tested positive for Covid-19 on the day of the dance, so I couldn’t perform in the final dance, but I knew that I was completely prepared to perform on stage. I’m disappointed that I couldn’t be a part of it but I now recognise LO5 (Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively). Throughout this process it took a great deal of communication and collaborative skills to get ready for the performance. Working on formations and timing is a key part of dance that involves everyone’s 100% attention to do correctly. I feel like every time in which our group leader was explaining and teaching I was always giving my best effort and attention, even though my dancing skills are not the best. As a whole group, we all worked together extremely well which allowed us to (with some bias) be one of the best dances in the final show. I recognise how if it weren’t for all of our preparation and group work behind the curtains, we would never have been able to put on such a good show in front of the curtains.

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