Resilience PSE

In the past 12 months, my resilience has been tested through the covid pandemic and the constant rule changes that affect how I interact with my friends as well as play sports. In doing this, I noticed that this took a toll on my mental state and as a result I felt like I didn’t want to do work or spend time with family because I couldn’t do things with friends but I managed to power through and motivate myself to continue and move on. In addition to this, the rules restricted me from playing basketball which also was frustrating, however, I showed resilience by continuing to train by myself to constantly improve.

Some of the biggest stressors in my life right now is probably once again the inability to play in the sports that I love and because of that, I have some strange fear that I am going to graduate from school and not have been able to experience playing basketball and volleyball at SEASAC level. Another stressor is school work, however, I think that I am managing this quite well currently so this is not really causing any issues. One of the protective factors that I have is people close to me such as friends and family to help me deal with any stressors.

In the last half term, I felt pretty thrilled to be starting IB because of the idea of starting something new and fresh. I enjoyed starting out all my classes with new people and the overall experience has been really good. Next term I’m hoping to feel somewhat cozy in the program and ready for whats to come.

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