My Personal Statement

Only recently have I really been thinking about the future; thinking about what will come in the rest of my life. My time in UWC has allowed me to see a clearer picture of what I want my life ahead to look like, but it’s still a bit blurred. Throughout the past 4 years at […]

Protest Poetry

Listen, you who transformed your anguish into healthy awareness, put your voice where your memory is. You who swallowed the afternoon dust, defend everything you understand with words. You, if no one else, will condemn with your tongue the erosion each disappointment brings. You, who saw the images of disgust growing, will understand how time […]

Studying Shakespeare in School

When I used to think of Shakespeare, I would think of old times, with lots of weird literary techniques that I don’t understand. But I think now after watching the video and reading the article I’ve grown an appreciation for his contribution to the English language and his talents in theatre. I’m also more excited […]