Final Reflection – CREST Project

I think my project was successful to a degree. I achieved my main goal of addressing the differences between COVID-19 and the seasonal flu. I was able to go over most of the points that I wanted to address. However, I think that some points may have not been explained very well for people unfamiliar with virology or biology.

I was able to learn about the topic of virology. I only went over a small section of this area in science but I found that I had learned a lot about it and I hope to look more into it in the future. I also learned about the valuable skill of time management. I learned how to create a schedule for myself and a basic outline of what to go over in order to complete my project and presentation.

I started this project to address the fake news and misinformation spread by some politicians, who downplayed COVID-19 by comparing it to the seasonal flu. This is a dangerous move as people know that the seasonal flu comes and goes each year without much harm, which may lead to them seeing COVID-19 as an insignificant threat when, in fact, it has a higher fatality rate than the seasonal flu and is particularly dangerous for seniors. I think that my project achieved distinguishing them as two different diseases.

I wish I had answered the question in more detail and given some more differences. I also wish that I’d dedicated a paragraph to the similarities of the two diseases. I decided against looking into similarities because my project was focused on differences but I think it could have helped with understanding the diseases and why people were confusing them in the first place. I think it could have been simplified a bit more to reach a wider audience.

In the future, I’d like to address the similarities between them as well, to help people understand why they were being mistaken in the first place. I’d also like to write some areas, such as the symptoms and prevention, in more detail as I feel that I only lightly brushed over these topics.

1 Comment on Final Reflection – CREST Project

  1. Ms. Tessa
    June 18, 2020 at 6:19 am (4 years ago)

    Hi Elizabeth,
    Thank you for taking the time to reflect so carefully on your CREST project and the process you went through to get to your outcome. I can see that you gained a lot with this experience! I am glad you had this opportunity to take such ownership of your topic and where you went with it, and I am confident that this has helped further prepare you for IB. I wish you all the best! <3


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