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Wrap up post on Steve Dawson

Main Ideas Learnt From Today’s Talk by Sports Journalist Steve Dawson :-

How to receive good answers from an interview!

  1. Ask open-ended questions: try and make the interviewee think about the answer
  2. Set the answer free: don’t set any unnecessary parameters
  3. Don’t Interrupt: Let the interviewee speak as they may be getting to a good point and you may miss it out by contradicting their statement.
  4. Be a single Shooter: Don’t ask two part questions as in most cases they will only answer the second Question
  5. Listen to the answer: Listen carefully and think of any followup questions or important details you may come across.


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One thought on “Wrap up post on Steve Dawson

  1. yep, these are worth holding on to in the light of the next few sessions. Would have liked to have known what else has stayed with you or struck you from today, beyond his advice about journalism.

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