Initiative For Peace – Activity Reflection

During today’s session, I took part in a lego activity, in which I had to collaborate with my group members to accomplish a lego structure that fulfills everyone’s aim that was given at the beginning without any verbal communication. I found this activity quite challenging as our indiivudal goals were kept cryptic, therfore there were repercussiosn that we faced such as frustration and impatience among several members in my group.  Eventually, we realized that the key to achieving the perfect structure was to patiently wait for everyone to work on the structure in order to attain their individual goals. Hence, my group and I decided to go around in a circle while using hand gestures instead of verbal communication, which made it easier for us to successfully build the structure with a minimal amount of time. Ultimately, through this activity I was able to build collaboration skills, and fathom the significance of patience and team work.

Another activity that we did during today’s session was a arm wrestling game with a partner, and you earn points when one individual loses against another, therefore the aim of the game was to earn as many points as you can in one minute. My partner and I were eventually able to realize that we had to work together in order to earn as many points as we can, in other words, we can to intentionally lose against one another. Through this activity I learnt that collaboration is a team effort, although it may seem like an individual competition, at the end of the day neither side is at vantage and both sides are able to benefit from one another through collaboration.

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