Instrumental Music Lesson- Reflection

Music has always played a significant role in my life ever since I was in junior school. I was first introduced to music when I learned how to play the piano at the age of seven, then moved on to also learning violin at the age of ten and currently I have been taking flute lessons at school for the past three years and am currently preparing for my trinity grade five exam. By learning a musical instrument, I haven’t only been able to obtain a new skill, but I have also been able to improve on various skills such as time management and concentration on one activity.

Although I do enjoy playing the flute and piano during my free time as I find the sound of these instruments very soothing and pleasant to listen to, however, there are definitely multiple challenges that I had to overcome throughout the past three years. For instance, I have learned to better manage my time as practice is a crucial aspect when learning a musical instrument, hence I have to set a time dedicated to practice at least three times a week, however as I’ve entered grade eleven, I do find it challenging to keep motivated and set a  specific time for practice. In order to keep motivated and practice, I set myself realistic goals each week for myself to accomplish by the end of the week; for instance, by setting goals such as being able to play a C harmonic major scale and one of my pieces successfully without any breaks in between, this motivates me to persistently practice until I am able to achieve this successfully. In addition, my flute teacher also provides me with a myriad of different resources so that I have various choices to practice, which also significantly contributes to increasing my motivation to practice.

Ultimately, by learning a musical instrument I haven’t only been able to obtain a new skill, but have also learned to manage my time and dedicate time to practice flute, whilst completing homework and assignments assigned by my school teachers. I have also been able to increase my motivation by setting goals for myself and utilizing various resources provided by my teacher.


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