Kahaani – First Reflection

Last year I took part in Kahaani, building stronger relationships with new people as well as learning more about the Indian culture, but more importantly building unforgettable memories. I can still prominently remember the zealous environment that we had before the show, as we had months of rehearsal in order to prepare for the show. I also took part in Culturama and the wavelengths concert last year, as I really enjoyed performing in front of a crowd. However, due to the unforeseen consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic this year, Kahaani will be recorded, regardless I decided to take part in this year 2020 Kahaani.

As I have a lot of experience with working with new people in the past, I would consider myself to have very ardent collaboration skills which I feel are an essential skill that’s needed especially when working with new individuals during Kahaani. During the first session, I was able to meet new individuals and got to know them a bit better, even if it was slightly awkward at first. However, as most of the students in my dance are all in my grade level, therefore I was already familiar with the students who are part of my dance. I learned a lot of the dance steps until the chorus of the song. Although there were a lot of challenging steps that I wasn’t familiar with, I was able to work with other students to help each other and perfect the choreography that we learned.

Overall, I really enjoyed the first session and felt that we were all very productive and made good use of the Thursday lunchtime that we were given for rehearsal. Everyone in my group seemed very enthusiastic, so the zealous environment also played a significant part in increasing my motivation and driving passion. I wasn’t only able to build new relationships with people from my grade, but I was also able to learn more about Indian culture and learn a novel dance that I was not familiar with.


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