Kahaani Reflection

This year I have decided to take part in a school dance performance, ‘Kahaani’, in order to raise funds for a global concern called Kolkata. This GC aims to help visually impaired people in Kolkata, India by providing funds for education and skills development for both children and adults who are intellectually differently-abled. I’ve already gone to around six rehearsals and have really enjoyed working with new people that I haven’t worked with before; I felt that it was a great opportunity for me to build new relationships and improve on my teamwork, collaboration skills.

I was fortunately given the opportunity to participate in Kahaani last year as well, hence before even starting dance rehearsals I was already aware of the amount of time and commitment needed for this performance. Since I’ve been part of various performances and concerts such as Culturama, Kahaani, and Wavelengths concert, I felt that my collaboration skills were also very strong, therefore as teamwork skills are one of the most vital skills needed for the success of this performance, I was able to collaborate with students from my grade in order to achieve the most out of each rehearsal session. I also made sure to practice at least three times a week for around ten minutes before every rehearsal session, since I didn’t want to slow down my whole group and disappoint my dance leaders that have been putting in prodigious amounts of effort in order to teach us this dance. My friends were also an enormous influence in maintaining my commitment and motivation for this performance as I looked forward to coming to every rehearsal session. Namely, I enjoyed the zealous environment that was created while we practiced together.

Although I felt that most of the students in my dance group were very committed to putting a lot of time and effort into rehearsing in their own time, however, certain it was also very blatant that certain individuals had not been practicing at home. Therefore, this didn’t only lead to extra rehearsal sessions, but time wasted repeating the same steps that we learned in the previous session. These individuals that didn’t practice created minor arguments between students from my dance group and my dance leaders, which I felt may have been one of the biggest challenges that we faced till now. Certainly, another obvious challenge was the COVID-19 restrictions as we had to keep making sure that we kept social distancing regulations and didn’t stand too close to each other. Ultimately, I’ve really enjoyed taking part in ‘Kahaani’ until now and am really looking forward to our final product.

Video Rehearsal: LINK

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