Kahaani Final Reflection

After two whole months of rehearsals during school lunchtimes, December break, and even after school, we finally filmed our final performance. I’ve built so many new friendships and am taking away unforgettable experiences from the past two months; Not only have I been able to raise awareness about Kolkata GC itself, but I have also been able to get up on stage and come out of my comfort zone while performing with my friends. Although it would have been wonderful if we could have a live audience in front of us to fill in the silence in the air when performing, we were still fortunate enough to have our performance filmed due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Growing up I had always enjoyed performing in front of people, whether it was just my parents, relatives, or a large audience, I have participated in various performances and converts such as Culturama, From All Corners concert, Wavelengths and was even given the opportunity to perform at the Esplanade. From my own experience, the nerve-wracking emotion that fills your body before you go upstage is unforgettable, each and every performance has been a spectacular experience for me that I won’t ever be able to forget. While performing for Kahaani really enjoyed the zealous environment that my group created by cheering each other on when we were offstage, along with the smiles and laughter from everyone once the performance had ended.

I would be lying if I were to say that there had only been highlights in the past two months of strenuous rehearsals. Although we were able to build unforgettable memories and create an extraordinary performance, the process behind our outcome included various challenges such as miscommunication with certain individuals, making sure that everyone memorized each step, and finding places to rehearse at school. Despite the challenges we faced, we were able to surmount all the obstacles and create an astonishing performance with no regrets. Looking ahead, I would love to be part of this fantastic performance again next year before I graduate and built more unforgettable experiences.

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