AGM(Annual General Meeting)- Service Demonstration

As one of the co-Chairs of Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony lodge, I was required to participate in the Annual General Meeting where the purpose is to review the Service and Sustainable Development (SSD) programme and celebrate our year of service. Minna and I, created a Flipgrid video to share with other service groups, discussing our service goals this year, the success stories/impact of these goals,
the challenges and weaknesses you’ve faced as a group this year, and how we’ve turned them into strengths and successes. We decided to share our SWOT Analysis during our flipgrid to address each one of these points.

Another aspect of the AGM is the short elevator pitch that needs to be presented in front of students who are interested in joining a local service. For my elevator pitch I gave a brief outline of what our service does and what students gain from joining our service. I believe that through the AGM I was able to demonstrate my service learning, discussing the reasons why I am part of this service, what my service does and what students gain through joining Cognitive Rehabilitation with apex Harmony lodge.

Elavator Pitch:

Our local service works with senior residents who have been diagnosed with Dementia. Through various activities, our goal is not only to build a stronger connection with our local community partners, but also improve and reduce further decline in cognitive function for dementia patients. The activities that we do cultivates psychological well-being and social participation for the residents at Apex Harmony Lodge.

This service provides students with a deeper understanding of the issue of an ageing population and the importance of creating a more inclusive society for people with dementia. This gives the students the opportunity to develop their communication and collaboration skills with their peers, but also directly with the residents and staff from Apex Harmony Lodge.

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