Student Voice First Reflection- Grade 12

For the past two years, I was given the opportunity to represent my mentor class and attend weekly meetings at student voice that occurs every Monday lunchtime. Last year, I was able to participate in planning the orientation for the new students as well as facilitate some of the activities that we planned during the particular day. This year, I am really looking forward to planning new events such as prom, hoodie designs, prank day and various other events that may come along the way.

At the beginning of the year, we had to lead our mentor groups to complete a mentor video with the concept of recreating a movie trailer. My mentor group chose the ‘Despicable Me’ movie to replicate the trailer.  Although there were several challenges along the way such as certain students were absent on a lot of the days we were filming; However we needed to ensure that everyone was taking part in the movie trailer and was featured, inevitably there were limited days to film with the whole class. I believe that I was able to facilitate the production of the movie trailer successfully as I ensured to divide up the different scenes and allocate different individuals to take part in various scenes so that everyone gets an equal share of being featured in the trailer. Hence, through this experience, I was not only able to improve my leadership and facilitating skills but was also able to work on my collaboration skills as I had to work with members of my group in order to successfully complete the movie trailer task.

Overall, through this movie trailer making task, I believe that my mentor class was able to create a stronger bond while also improving both our collaboration and communication skills along the way.

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