ITP Flute Reflection

During the past few months, I’ve been regularly attending flute lessons at school during my free block every Tuesday for forty-five minutes. Playing the flute is a very effective method that has worked for me to relieve my stress and blurs out unnecessary thoughts; especially after entering grade 11, there has been a substantial amount of homework and assignments due, inevitably lead to limited time to pursue in my hobbies and take time off studying. However, I’ve been able to use my time effectively and try to find at least an hour to practice the flute pieces that I have been learning with my teacher.

After entering grade eleven, I found that organization significantly important as it can influence my physical and mental well-being greatly. In order to achieve a balanced lifestyle with exercise, sleep, studying, and spending time out with my loved ones, I’ve been able to set plans out ahead in the morning. For instance, by using an extension on my laptop called ‘stickies’, I’ve been able to list out the things that I need to complete by the end of the day, which made it really helpful for me to keep track of the work that I’m getting done and stay productive. Despite school work and assignments, I’ve been able to practice flute at school every Friday after school and on Sundays for an hour and a half each, which I believe has helped me greatly improve my mental well0being.

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