Poetry of Carol Ann Duffy – How is it transformed into a story? How can the same characters convey something different?

How has Carol Ann Duffy rewritten/transformed a known text or story? How can her versions have the same characters, but be “about” something different?

I think that she retells the classic red riding hood story but with. a bit more realism. Sometimes people are tempted by what the wolf has to offer and she did want to be seen by the wolf, due to her love of poetry. She uses to represent her own life and her own misfortunes regarding older men taking advantage of her. She represents her as a little red riding hood, trying to break free from male oppressors for generations. It represents female empowerment and how often females can be taken advantage of like her grandmother was, but she was able to stand up for herself and fight back unlike her grandmother. This overall metaphor could be extended further to how the deep dark forest represents the female oppression and when she leaves it is her being freed from it but contrasted to her grandmother who will eternally be there.


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