How far does my reading reflect who I am?

I think that reading can impact a big part of your life. The genres you’re drawn to, the topics that interest you and the lessons you learn all say something about you or give an insight into your life. For example, if you’re drawn to stories surrounding art or music, it could say that you’re interested in those. If you read about


Who owns English and why does it keep changing?

I think that no one truly owns English or any language for that matter. Languages are sort of just in the hands of those who speak it and carry it around the world. They keep changing because as our world changes, we need to be able to adapt our language in order to fit our needs. For example, English didn’t start off as what we know it to be now. It’s the result of years of learning and refining as more and more people contribute to it by spreading it to other communities. The same applies to all languages around the world, some more than others.