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A year of Yoga in Grade 11

Finishing Pottery!

Final Reflection for Kahaani!

Kahaani: Halfway through!

Here is a rehearsal of the new song we are learning!


CAS: My Pottery Progress

I have been in the Pottery club for over a season now and it is really fun! I’ve finally figured out how to work with all the creative freedom we get to experiment beyond just making little trinket trays. Last session, my friend and I attempted to make a teapot… It looked close enough to a teapot but it definitely was not well-made or functional! So we’re hoping that once this teapot is fired and completed, we can figure out how to make a second version that is better constructed and could be used as an actual teapot. I only have a few more sessions of Pottery left so I’m hoping to make the most of them and create some items that I can use at home rather than just decoration pieces. I’m also trying to be mindful of making fewer projects that I spend more time on to avoid wasting clay on objects I can’t use at home.


Starting Kahaani Dance Rehearsals!

I’ve signed up to be a part of the Kahaani dance show for Kolkata GC and I’m very excited! Dancing in general is typically out of my comfort zone so I’m really pushing myself to perform on stage this year. I’m also happy that this opportunity is going to help me connect more with my culture since the dances are around Indian festivals, and the event is raising money for the NGO which is even better. I’ve completed one practice so far and it was interesting. I’m the only G12 in my smaller group within the Durga Pooja group yet so it’s definitely pushing me to interact with new people from different grades. We will be performing 4 songs total, with everyone in 2 of the 4. We started our first dances today, I’m in the group performing the song “Dholida” so it’s fun. I’m excited to see how the dance progresses and I’m hoping I will become more comfortable with performing in front of people by the time we actually perform in February.



CAS: Starting Pottery!

I’m so glad that I got to join pottery this year after missing out on it in Grade 11. It has been an interesting experience so far. Unfortunately, I missed a couple of sessions since I fell sick with COVID. So, I didn’t get to make as much as I would’ve liked by now. However, I have created 2 clay works so far– a mushroom trinket tray and a heart bowl!

I’m excited to see both pieces once they come out of the kiln. The pottery activity has a lot more free reign than I expected. We get to choose what we want to make rather than being directed, which is something I’ve both appreciated and found a bit tough at times because it can be hard to decide on a design. Nonetheless, I’m glad that the activity has given me a creative outlet that also includes some degree of physical effort. I also get to work alongside new people who I don’t see otherwise in my regular school schedule which has been a nice advantage to joining the activity.

I’m curious to see how I improve at pottery over the course of the season and hopefully, my next piece will be more interesting and complicated than another trinket tray!

Looking Back on PW

Some more photos from the week!

Project Week!

We are currently midway through Project Week and it has been much more enjoyable than we initially anticipated. We have been used to seeing the G11s go off to different countries in South East Asia to truly challenge themselves and plan a comprehensive trip. So, it did feel like our Project Week here in Singapore would not live up to much.

However, since starting our activities I’ve quickly realised the value of exploring Singapore. While we are doing a variety of activities, some of which may not be considered so out of our comfort zone, the real learning point has been navigating parts of Singapore that we have never been to. On our first day, we travelled to our Pottery class by public transport in an area which none of us had ever visited before. The class was also far into an unknown hilly neighbourhood so we had to navigate our path from and to the bus stop using Google Maps which was a good experience.

This morning, we went for our service at Willing Hearts to help in packing food for distribution and cleaning up after. I loved being able to talk to strangers and work with them to pack the food. Our group was quite split up as we worked on different stations in the same room, so it was great that we had to collaborate with new people. A lot of them were working adults so it was quite different to what we are used to, usually working with students our age. It was interesting to learn about why they choose to volunteer at Willing Hearts and also see the effort everyone was putting in to complete the work in time for the food deliveries.

We are ending the day at a punch needle class, also in an unknown neighbourhood, so it will be fun to find our way there using public transport and also, learn a completely new skill. Hopefully, our work looks good and we can feel proud taking it back home!

CAS: Planning Project Week

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