I think the 3 gorges dam was worth building. First of all, it saved a lot of people’s life and made their life easier. Before flooding was controlled by 3 gorges dam, 145,000 people were drowned in 1931, 30,000 people on 1954 and 1500 people on 1998. In July 2007, the flooding was averted. Overall, 15 million people were protected from floods and 25000ha farmland are saved from flooding so they can harvest more food more often. I think that saving thousands people’s life and making their jobs/life easier is a huge improvement for China’s industrialisation. Another factor that I think that 3 gorges dam was a great project is that it is a clean energy source (HEP). Global warming is definitely the greatest global issue that we have do do something now. They must stop using non-renewable energy so using energy from HEP is an stunning improvement to reduce CO2 emission. Even though it caused some geological disaster, most of them is not long term and they can solve land slide problems by moving to somewhere else. Global warming can effect people and the environment forever and soon will be dangerous for species to live. China produces 27% of the global CO2 emission and China taking actions to reduce greenhouse gases will makes a big positive impact. I think that environment is the priority because if we didn’t try to solve now it will become worse not only environmentally but it will face huge financial crisis because of the rising sea level and temperature rise. For example, Maldives is going to submerge within 100 years and migrating and moving all buildings and facilities, if it’s possible, will cause a huge financial crisis. 3 Gorges Dam will not only solve environmental problems in China but also the Earth. This project will definitely impact the world’s economically, socially and environmentally in a positive way.  Therefore, 3 Gorges Dam was worth building it.

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