💡 What are the benefits of forming communities on social media?

How I came to that question? I think that community can help people feel more confident and comfortable with themselves but it can cause some issues because texts don’t have emotions and people can easily misunderstand what other people want to say. From the conversations I had with others, I think that thinking about the positives of communities is deeper.

How does this question invite further dialogue? What 2-3 issues do you think people would need to consider to fully consider that question?  This question will invite further dialogue by thinking about the people struggling and facing depression and anxiety because of who they are, for example, LGBTQ+ or a disability. By having a community that is struggling the same problem as someone, people will have more confidence in themselves and feel more comfortable being themselves and I feel like talking about this can lead to a deep conversation. 2 issues that I think that people would need to consider fully in this question is that this is about the benefits because we know enough about the problem. Communities on social media include same “type” of people to business to group chats.

Which 1-2  logical fallacies would we need to avoid during that conversation? What makes you think so?

  1. Where two alternative states are presented as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist – We should think of more possibilities and share more thoughts and ideas so that we understand a number of benefits and so that our conversation can go on.
  2. Manipulating an emotional response in place of a valid or compelling argument – It is better to have people being comfortable saying their opinions

What makes this question relevant? (why should 9th graders be thinking about it right now?) Now that we know global issues well, I think that this question is relevant so that we can be more aware of how social media can impact people who are struggling positively. I feel like it is equally as important to think about the benefits than the problems because I feel like we learnt the issues with social media in Middle School and now it’s important to think about how it can affect people.


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