The Design Basics

💡 Proximity

  • Definition – Proximity is about using visual space to show relationships in your content
  • Advice – Make sure the related items are grouped together

💡 White Space

  • Definition – It is the negative spaces like the spaces between your content, between lines and the outer margins
  • Advice – Use this technique to separate each content

💡 Alignment

  • Definition – aligning and organizing items to be consistent
  • Advice – Keep it consistent by spacing it equally

💡 Contrast

  • Definition – when one item is different from another
  • Where I see contrast my logo draft – text and the image

💡 Repetition

  • Definition – Reminder that every project should have a consistent look and feel
  • Where I see repetition in my logo draft – font and color of my name

Rough Draft Work

Thinking About My Client


Students learn about success and achievement from the speakers

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