My name is Ami Kashima and I am from Japan. When I was two I moved to England and lived there for 2 years. I went to a local kindergarten and I say that this is the turning point in my life because it allowed me to go to an international school later in my life. I moved to Singapore in 2015 and went to an IB school. The MYP curriculum helped me stretch my limits in my studies and I was able to become internationally minded. My biggest goal is to become an environmentalist because I believe that one of the most urgent global issues are environmental issues such as global warming.


When I was around six, I started to be fascinated by temperatures because I found it interesting that it determines how cold or how hot it would be outside. During the summer holidays, I liked to watch the weather report and see the highest temperature of the day. I was interested in number patterns and I liked math so I was good at remembering the numbers and I was able to recall the highest temperature from previous years. A few years later, I noticed that the temperature is rising every year. I always wondered why since I never heard about climate change and global warming. After several years since I made a new ‘discovery’, I was able to link my statistics to an actual global issue that I studied – global warming and climate change. I remember feeling very satisfied and my experience convinced me that global warming is real. I built further interests in this topic from a documentary called ‘Before the Flood’ which I watched last year and it was very striking to me in how much impact it is causing from the temperature rise and how much politicians don’t believe in this issue. The more I learned about this issue and the causes, the more felt that I should support this issue. I respect people with a different perspective but the fact that a lot of people don’t believe in climate change convinced me to become an environmentalist and I wish I could persuade them through scientific facts. I believe that people who think that global warming or climate change is a hoax, especially politicians are the toughest challenge to help climate change. I am in a college service called ‘Climate Change and Clean Energy’ where I publish articles relating to clean energy and it convinced me that one of the most effective ways to solve the carbon emission is the energy sources we use. I would rather become an environmentalist who takes action to solve the issue than just persuading and raising public awareness. This lead to my other dream which is to become an energy resource manager. I wish this could be part of a job of an environmentalist because I want to build the best and clean energy source according to their geographical location and development level. I strongly believe that my generation is the last chance to change the world before the Earth gets severely damaged.


To move closer to my goal keep on I should keep on track with the environmental news and to keep on gaining knowledge about climate change. Partially because this is my first year in UWCSEA, I feel like I am lacking in communication so I should improve my communication skill because it is very important as an environmentalist to convince people who don’t believe in these issues. My favorite subjects are geography and science which are the most ‘important’ subjects that link directly to my future job and I should put extra effort into these subjects to build my knowledge about this issue. When I have lack of motivation, I should remind myself about the past experiences that led me to my dream job.

In conclusion, my experience in the past and my huge interest in environmental issues has led me to build a big goal of becoming an environmentalist and help solve climate change to prevent impacts that are going to be caused. However, I think that my dreams and passion would change and I shouldn’t be fixed on one particular dream job. Even if I want to become an environmentalist right now, my passion may change so I should be flexible and well-balanced and put a good effort in every subject. I should be following my passion and taking action for my dream to come true, yet I have to keep in mind that my interests would change.

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