Ami Kashima

Month September 2019

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

I learned that emotional intelligence is not only about understanding other people’s emotion but also your own emotion. I realized that we don’t fully understand how we are feeling and controlling emotions can be a challenging task. I think that… Continue Reading →

Sport Stacking Reflection #1

Evidence – I am in the national sport stacking team (Team Japan) and I practice regularly by myself. I participated in a tournament recently and I was able to get 4th overall (female). I was also able to get… Continue Reading →

Circus Reflection #1

IMG_9028 Our service is partnering with a Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), youth home. We are going to learn and develop circus skills in season one and teach circus skills to our service partner in seasons 2-4. I… Continue Reading →

Yoga Reflection #1

I have a vascular malformation in my left leg and I have taken several sclerotherapies which stiffen the muscles so my doctor recommends stretching regularly. It is hard for me to bend my foot more than 90 degrees so I… Continue Reading →

Culturama Reflection #1 LO3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience & LO7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions I am leading Culturama Japan which I believe it is a huge responsibility to make sure the performance… Continue Reading →

ANIMATE Reflection #1

IMG_9016 In Animate, we use an animation app called Tagtool and we learn how to draw and animate our drawings. Our aim is to “perform live using an iPad and Tagtool app to illustrate and animate in real-time, using buildings… Continue Reading →

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