I learned that emotional intelligence is not only about understanding other people’s emotion but also your own emotion. I realized that we don’t fully understand how we are feeling and controlling emotions can be a challenging task. I think that this would benefit me because when I am feeling something, I think it is important for me to consider what and how I am feeling. By following this method, I think I can logically help myself rather than losing control.

We did a test on how much we understand emotion from people’s facial expression which I found it surprisingly difficult. To a large extent, I think that each person has a different way of expressing emotion and there is no definite answer to what exactly certain emotion looks like. I think that the best way of reaching out to people and to have empathy is good communication because we should not assume that a person is feeling a certain way, just by its appearance.

I learned the difference between empathy and sympathy. Empathy requires you to step into their position and feel and understand deeply about others whereas sympathy is just feeling pity for someone else’s position which does not have much care compared to empathy. I think that the best way to make others feel better is to be in their position and feel and connect with them.

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