LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

For project week, I wanted to be part of a service-focused project because I really want to be able to bond with people with completely different backgrounds and cultures in person. I especially want to do a service project revolving around education and children, so I became part of a group that had similar interests. After choosing to go to Mercy Centre in Thailand, we did further research on the NGO to study their goals and the group of people who they aim to help.

Mercy Center supports both children and adults providing “a shelter for street kids, five orphanages, a hospice, a home for mothers and children with HIV/AIDS, a 400-pupil kindergarten, a community meeting place, and a serene haven in the slums with small gardens and playgrounds.” Our goal is to be part of the mission of the mercy center to break the poverty cycle, by setting up and helping activities that will enhance the skills of the children there, including language, collaboration, and communication skills. Now that we have chosen the service group to work with and decided our overall goal, our next step is to have a detailed plan for our stay.

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