LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Although the process of choreographing, teaching, and polishing the dance were challenging, I was able to develop my skills in creativity, leadership, and management. It was challenging choreographing dances that represent the Kenyan culture since I had less knowledge of the culture compared to last year when I led Culturama Japan. However, doing research on the dances have allowed us to learn about the key motifs and movement characteristics. Using our creativity, we have utilized the characteristics of Kenyan dances in our choreography to make sure it is authentic but also unique. Since we only had 5 sessions to teach the dance, we made sure we were well organized which required us to know the choreography before the session, and briefly plan how we teach the dance to make the sessions as efficient as possible. Overall, Culturama 2020 was an amazing experience and I am grateful that we had the opportunity to perform despite the fact that we were not able to perform in front of a large audience (the audience in the video are performers from another Culturama dance) due to COVID-19 restrictions.


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