Robyn Hayes, a researcher and a photographer, talked about the connection between photography and research and gave us incredible facts and statistics about child marriage that have blown me away in how critical this issue is. Even though her facts and figures shocked me in how common this issue is and how it’s an unacceptable problem, I found her pictures the most influential part of the talk. Robyn’s favourite picture which was also my favourite is a picture of a girl in a pink dress standing on a road with a village and a few men sitting inside a small house in the background. It showed that girls are free to go outside and she stood out with her pink dress from the dark-looking village. It is stunning that this one moment the picture exhibits women and girls who are free with fewer limitations in their lives. The most striking part of her talk was about her story when she taught girls how to use a camera and asked them to take pictures of their lives. I was amazed by the fact that this project made researchers learn new facts such as women washing their husband’s feet after going on the fields. When she was talking about the connection between photographs and research, I thought that she is the one taking the pictures and add the pictures on her research. Which means that the pictures are just an additional information for the reader to have a further understanding – like most articles. However, the fact that the women and girls are taking pictures of their lives, determine what she writes. In other words, instead of the text being the main thing in her research, the pictures she got from women and girls are the main information in this particular research. I always thought that texts tell us everything and the pictures are just for support but her story made me realize how a camera is a really significant technology that captures things that we don’t know and it can control the text.


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