The last session for writer’s fortnight was a talk by a TWC2 volunteer. TWC2 is an organization to help migrant workers in Singapore by providing tools to solve their issues and fighting for better respect and consideration for the workers. One of the most important things I learned from her talk was the importance of awareness and how an individual will contribute to a “push” to change the MOM’s perspective. I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by “push” and how our awareness will help but the example of the new laws created for maids in Singapore made me understand the importance of awareness. Maids used to work every day and didn’t have the right to go back to their country unless the family allows you but now that people were more aware of them and their rights, they get to have a day-off and have the right to go back to their home country. I think that her talk raised audience’s awareness of the migrant workers, who we see pretty much every day. Before her talk, I think that a lot of people including myself didn’t have much attention to these workers but I found out that there are strict contracts with the migrant workers. For example, migrants aren’t allowed to marry. This was quite shocking to me because I had no idea that the people I always see when I walk in Singapore, don’t have the right to fall in love which I believe it’s basic human rights. Back to the concept of awareness, when I was younger I used to be unsure of the reason for being aware because knowing the issue won’t change anything unless we take action, so there were times where I wasn’t sure if I should know more about global issues if I can’t make a change because I can’t help people who are struggling directly. However, it’s not about helping people directly – by yourself. It’s about understanding the power we have and using each individual power. We all know that it is important to have an equal society for all and people should be treated the same way. Her facts clearly prove that they aren’t treated the same way. This is why awareness is important as it will lead to one big push to the MOM.

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