What I value when working with others

When I work with others I learn new ideas that I never thought of so I get to have more knowledge on a particular topic. I also get to know the people I work with better so it improves my relationship with other people. Working with others will improve my communication, collaboration and leadership skills.

The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is: 

The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is to first talk about the task/question then start sharing ideas.

When it comes to tech, I’m good at X, and I need to get better at

When it comes to tech, I am good at organizing information and I need to get better at researching and be better at different applications because I am only confident in google docs.

What people sometimes misunderstand about me when we are teamed up together: 

What people sometimes misunderstand about me when we are teamed up together, is that I am sometimes quiet in group discussions and sometimes I am not. I usually share my thoughts or ideas when I have one but when I don’t have any I don’t say it and not because I am scared to share my thoughts.

I think of myself as more introverted/extroverted, in group work, you may notice I (x), please remember I prefer (x)

I don’t really know if I am an introvert or an extrovert because depending on the topic or subject I talk a lot and take leadership but when I am not very interested with the topic and don’t have any different thoughts, I don’t really talk much. Therefore, I might be more introverted because I don’t want to disturb the group discussion by asking basic questions. You may notice that I am quiet sometimes but please remember I prefer saying my opinions when I have one.

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