LO3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience & LO7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I am leading Culturama Japan which I believe it is a huge responsibility to make sure the performance is culturally appropriate and enjoyable too. I have done a lot of research about Japanese culture and dances during the summer holiday to make sure our dance would not be misrepresenting a culture. Although I have participated in many dance productions, this is the first time I am choreographing and leading so I am very nervous and anxious but also excited about the final performance. I hope I can improve my leadership skills as well as my communication skills through teaching the choreography, and develop my organization skills through managing time well, organizing costumes, and planning weekly rehearsals. I have planned sessions very early on and started organizing costumes and music during the summer holiday so it is going very smoothly so far.

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