Ami Kashima

Tag LO2

Culturama 2020 Reflection #3

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process Although the process of choreographing, teaching, and polishing the dance were challenging, I was able to develop my skills in creativity, leadership, and management. It was challenging… Continue Reading →

Dance Showcase #3

LO2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process Dance Showcase has been the most meaningful and memorable experience because it made me notice my love and passion for dance. I really enjoyed all four dances… Continue Reading →

Yoga Reflection #3

Link to all Yoga reflections   LO2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process I have done Yoga for seasons 1 and 2 and I noticed how challenging it is to control my mind during… Continue Reading →

ANIMATE Reflection #3

Link to all ANIMATE reflections   Animation displayed on a wall after wavelength: Animation displayed outside the auditorium before wavelength: LO2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. Group Reflection Audio:

Circus Reflection #2

RecordIt-1597160736 LO2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process I have been trying to learn new diabolo skills and improve my consistency of the trick. For example, I used to have a lower chance of… Continue Reading →

Culturama Reflection #2 LO1 Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth I believe I have good organization and time management skills because we have two more weeks until the show and we have finished teaching the formations and choreography. Everything… Continue Reading →

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