Chetan Bhagat – Writers Fortnight

Chetan Bhagat was one of my favourite speakers so far. I really did enjoy listening to him and he did tell us why. He said in order to reach people you must reach them through entertainment. He did this by making us all laugh in the beginning and then since he was “funny” we all listened to him.

He talked to us abut success and how you can get it.

  • A winner is someone who either is better then the rest (eg. Sport) or someone who changes the game (eg. Writing)
  • He used a cockroach analogy to describe how a winner is not the strongest player, it is the one who can adapt to its environment.
  • You always ned to be thinking of new ways to reach people. He did books then Bollywood.

He then talked to us about goal setting and how you need to ad a time frame to a goal or else it is just a dream.

I related to this part a lot due to the fact that I swim a lot. We set a lot of goals and we practice this a lot but I have never heard it been said in this way so it made me think more about my dreams/goals.

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One thought on “Chetan Bhagat – Writers Fortnight

  1. The thing you said about Chetan Bhagat being able to make his audience listen to him more by starting with a funny joke due to the entertainment was really interesting. I never thought of attracting an audience that way.


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