According to new Google research, teens think Google is cool—sorry, “lit”

After reading the article, review the scattergraph.

– To what extent are your brand choices reflected in the scattergraph?

  • I would say it is quite accurate to a certain extent although some of the brands in the graph I would disagree with for example I think as of now many more people are aware of Supreme so I don’t think it should be at the bottom of the graph.

– Do you gravitate towards ‘cool’ and ‘aware’ brands? Why or why not?

  • Yes I think I do because they are the trend and lots of people have respect for you. For example lets use clothes. If you are wearing nice clothes that are in with the trends but then if you get too carried away they label you as “basic” so then I just choose clothes that are nice to wear and stand out from the obvious brands.

– Comment on at least five brands and your opinions about them.

  • H&M – I think H&M is a really great brand especially for us because they sell really nice clothes at a relatively cheap price point.
  • Adidas – I think adidas should be more cool as they have recently been trying to get into the streetwear categories with things like boost and yeezys
  • Nike – Nike I think they are up here just because of how well known they are. If they don’t start trying to create new things they will certainly fall down this chart
  • Netflix&Youtube – I think Netflix and youtube are pretty much under in teh same category. Us teenagers only really use our computers for entertainment and no longer really watch TV so these two platforms is what we really use to entertain ourselves.
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2 thoughts on “According to new Google research, teens think Google is cool—sorry, “lit”

    1. I appreciate your thoughts on trends and slangs that we use nowadays, it is indeed very insightful.


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