A Girl in the River

The first perspective that challenged my thinking was the perspective of the father. I don’t think it is right to murder your own daughter just because they have married someone poorer than you. Love is love and I don’t think money or wealth should be a factor impacting that. I also thought it was very unreasonable of them to swear on the Quran that they would not hurt er but then take her to the river and kill her in such an unlawful way. Thye shot her and but her in a sack hoping she would drown and everyone would forget. Thankfully she survived to tell the story. I think it is also a bit strange how it says nothing in the Quran about not killing anyone and how it doesn’t say you shouldn’t do it. I find that a bit strange. Although I have to respect their religion I don’t understand why it doesn’t say anything about not killing people. I know in many other religions it is a major crime.

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One thought on “A Girl in the River

  1. I like your post as it justifies your thoughts and opinion on the matter you make references back to the belief of the religion. “says nothing in the Quran about not killing anyone and how it doesn’t say you shouldn’t do it.” I think you can further develop your thoughts on the matter.


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