1st Week of Grade 10

It has happened so fast, I am already more than halfway done with my GCSE’s. This was a strange first week back for me as I have never come back to the same kind of classes and continuing the same programme. I have usually come back to a new class, new teachers etc. This week was quite a good week back and I thought it was good how Monday and Friday were off timetable days so we could spend time talking about pse/service/activities etc. My thoughts on this year so far and how it will work out are relatively good at the moment. I like how we not doing anything new so we can pretty much hit the ground running and “get back to the grind” I am also looking forward to my swimming this year to see what I can achieve in that field. My goal this year is to get more of my events in the British summer nationals and compete in them in the summer. With study leave this year I should be able to train much more with a lot more time to focus on myself. Academics wise I think my internals last year went really well and I am quite comfortable where I’m at. I want to do well in the mocks because that really sets me up for the final exams at the end of the year. Looking forward to the year ahead.