Having thought about the various discussions in class today, I believe it is possible for some texts to truly represent groups of people. Although some may assume that with the example of “Crazy Rich Asians” not representing all Asians that it is impossible to do so. In actual fact, the movie “Crazy Rich Asians” did a great job in representing the top percentile of rich Singaporeans. I think it is possible to truly represent groups of people provided that you are being specific about the kind of people that you are representing and not generalising or stereotyping anything. It is quite often that stereotyping tends to come from people who are foreign from these groups. Leading me onto my next point which is, who gets to say what? I think that in order to best represent a group of people the person representing that group should come from the very group itself. By being a part of that group, they will have far superior knowledge that has come from their own personal experiences and encounters to that of a “foreigner”. With regards to the act of representation, I believe regardless of the situation there will always be problems, people will always disagree with the creator’s intentions. I only believe it can become really problematic when the representation is formulated with negative intentions. I believe that things will only start to become very problematic once whatever is being represented is being done to have negative effects on that group. Either that or when it is evident that not enough research or knowledge has been put into this representation and it is just wrong.