Project Week Planning

Project week was looking to be a really exciting time for my group and me, we were really looking forward to the invaluable experiences that we would have. I felt that despite us not being able to actually go on Project Week, the planning aspect of it was really important. We went through the same process that any other grade 11 student would have done.

Initially, we encountered problems with not being able to find approved creativity or service components to match our activity. But we were working towards fixing that.

I think in terms of working together as a group it was mainly 2 or 3 out of the 5 that were doing the majority of the work. I was included in that and did most of the planning with our my friend.

I think I have definitely learnt what it means to plan a CAS experience. Overall with the planning, communication and collaboration, I learnt a lot. I don’t think our efforts will be completely wasted as our group may plan to execute the week over one of the holidays which could be quite fun!


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