Deborah Emmanuel – Writers Fortnight

Deborah Emmanuel was certainly one of my favourite speakers from writers fortnight 2018 because she seemed to be the most real. She didn’t really hold back when it came to her thoughts and she just said what she felt which I thought was very powerful. Most of the time she would talk about her not feeling as though she belongs in a community eg Singapore. She told us poems about this and shared a few of her thoughts on the point. I can certainly relate to this and I am sure many other people can because we all have those times when we feel although we don’t belong in a community so then we must try to find one in which we do fit. Kind of like finding friends. Not everyone can be your friend so you have to choose a few that you think you can relate to and like the most. I really enjoyed her poems and I felt like i listened to her more when she was telling her poems as they were more complex and more interesting that you had to be very attentive in order to understand what she was trying to tell you.

“Everything is going to be okay, its not okay because we choose not to think it is okay”

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One thought on “Deborah Emmanuel – Writers Fortnight

  1. I think that it is true that a lot of people do feel like they don’t belong in certain situations. I think that you’re right when saying that we just need to find a community that we fit in, and that it doesn’t really matter if you don’t fit in a certain community because there are other places where you would fit in better.


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